

ӳý Members

Institute Members are faculty members of MIT, Harvard, or one of the Harvard-affiliated hospitals. They are deeply engaged in the intellectual life of ӳý and are responsible for setting its scientific direction. 

Core Institute Members have their primary laboratories at ӳý facilities.


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Niall Lennon and Sheila Dodge,  COVID19 training session Genomics Platform

Institute Scientists are professional scientists who play a key role in:

  • catalyzing scientific connections across the ӳý community and beyond
  • shaping scientific priorities and engaging in key institutional issues and decisions
  • fostering the continual renewal of the ӳý community by recruiting, mentoring, and supporting a new generation of young scientists
  • fulfilling key citizenship and service roles that strengthen the ӳý community.


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ӳýies at the Poster Connect day, looking at posters

Affiliate Faculty
Affiliate Faculty enrich ӳý’s research community and build bridges between ӳý and our partner institutions (MIT, Harvard, or a Harvard-affiliated hospital). Affiliate Faculty help drive ӳý’s scientific mission by acting as thought partners, collaborators and leaders.

Associate Members
In some instances, Affiliate Faculty are so deeply engaged in ӳý science that they are granted Principal Investigator (PI) status as Associate Members and initiate or lead scientific collaborations and projects with funding, lab members, and/or space on the ӳý campus.

Become an Affiliate Faculty/Associate Member
If you are a tenure-track/tenured faculty member of MIT, Harvard, or one of the Harvard-affiliated hospitals and are interested in becoming an Affiliate Faculty or an Associate Member at ӳý, please complete our . Contact the Office of Academic Affairs with any questions.


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Staff Scientists - group photo from retreat 2019

The ӳý's senior professional scientists are deeply involved in leading and executing a range of core scientific projects across the Institute, and include PhD-level bench and computational scientists, software engineers, and other senior scientific staff.


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Juan Caicedo, a Schmidt fellow, presents the ӳý Retreat

Fellows are exceptional early-career scientists who have the opportunity to develop independent research programs at ӳý. ӳý offers several fellowship programs.


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Institutional leadership

Merkin Building - 415 Main St. Cambridge from the outside

ӳý's leadership team contributes daily to fulfilling our scientific mission.

Learn about the ӳýies who are committed to empowering our scientists to work individually and together to accelerate biomedical progress.


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ӳý directory